Website Change

Yes, those of you who have come here more than once might have loaded up the site only to be greeted with an unfamiliar face. No, not Crease Pegg, although those silly photoshops I do might be getting a little out of hand. I’m talking about the site in general, of course.

As someone who has never been a top tier web brained person I’m afraid in the move forward I may have also broken everything so be prepared for missing videos and impossible to access archived posts. On the positive, doesn’t it look cleaner than the last design? I hope so, because that’s what I was going for. I’m hoping to do more articles here in the future so the main reason for the change was to make the site readability a little better. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a perfect compromise between video and text posts out there, it is what is is, there is always room to improve in the future.

Let me know what you think of the new layout, especially if you have found some sort of bug or can’t access something the way you want to be able to. Comment, like, subscribe, stalk and generally internet as safely as you can. Thanks guys!
